TY - THES AU - Zilong Chen AB -
Large ensembles of uncorrelated atoms are extensively used as precise sensors of time, rota-tion, and gravity, and for tests of fundamental physics. The quantum nature of the sensors imposes a limit on their ultimate precision. Larger ensembles of N atoms can be used to average the quantum noise as 1/√ N, a scaling known as the standard quantum limit. However, the ensemble size may be limited by technical constraints and/or atom-atom collisions – a fundamental distinction from photon-based sensors. Learning to prepare entangled states of large ensembles with noise properties below the standard quantum limit will be key to extending both the precision and/or bandwidth of atomic sensors. More broadly, the generation and application of entanglement to solve problems is a core goal of quantum information science being pursued in both atomic and solid state systems.
In this thesis, we utilize the tools of cavity-QED to prepare entangled spin-squeezed states with 3.4(6) dB improvement in spectroscopic sensitivity over the standard quantum limit. The collective atomic spin is composed of the two-level clock states of 87Rb confined in a medium finesse F = 710 optical cavity. We employ cavity-aided quantum non-demolition measurements of the vacuum Rabi splitting to measure and subtract out the quantum projection noise of the collective spin state, preparing states with collective atomic spin projection noise 4.9(6) dB below the projection noise level. The conditionally reduced spin noise combined with the measured 1.5(3) dB reduction in the mean spin length implies a net 3.4(6) dB spectroscopic enhancement or conditional squeezing as defined by the Wineland criterion. Our method does not require single particle addressability and is applied to a spectroscopically large ensemble of N = 7 × 105 atoms using two collective population measurements, with the whole squeezing operation taking ∼ 150 µs. The gain in sensitivity is spectroscopically equivalent to the enhancement obtained had we created 105 pairs of maximally entangled qubits, demonstrating the power of a top-down approach for entangling large ensembles. The nondemolition probing of atomic populations via the vacuum Rabi splitting is also of broad interest for non-destructively reading out a wide variety of both atomic and solid state qubits.
BT - Department of Physics CY - Boulder DA - 2013-05 N2 -Large ensembles of uncorrelated atoms are extensively used as precise sensors of time, rota-tion, and gravity, and for tests of fundamental physics. The quantum nature of the sensors imposes a limit on their ultimate precision. Larger ensembles of N atoms can be used to average the quantum noise as 1/√ N, a scaling known as the standard quantum limit. However, the ensemble size may be limited by technical constraints and/or atom-atom collisions – a fundamental distinction from photon-based sensors. Learning to prepare entangled states of large ensembles with noise properties below the standard quantum limit will be key to extending both the precision and/or bandwidth of atomic sensors. More broadly, the generation and application of entanglement to solve problems is a core goal of quantum information science being pursued in both atomic and solid state systems.
In this thesis, we utilize the tools of cavity-QED to prepare entangled spin-squeezed states with 3.4(6) dB improvement in spectroscopic sensitivity over the standard quantum limit. The collective atomic spin is composed of the two-level clock states of 87Rb confined in a medium finesse F = 710 optical cavity. We employ cavity-aided quantum non-demolition measurements of the vacuum Rabi splitting to measure and subtract out the quantum projection noise of the collective spin state, preparing states with collective atomic spin projection noise 4.9(6) dB below the projection noise level. The conditionally reduced spin noise combined with the measured 1.5(3) dB reduction in the mean spin length implies a net 3.4(6) dB spectroscopic enhancement or conditional squeezing as defined by the Wineland criterion. Our method does not require single particle addressability and is applied to a spectroscopically large ensemble of N = 7 × 105 atoms using two collective population measurements, with the whole squeezing operation taking ∼ 150 µs. The gain in sensitivity is spectroscopically equivalent to the enhancement obtained had we created 105 pairs of maximally entangled qubits, demonstrating the power of a top-down approach for entangling large ensembles. The nondemolition probing of atomic populations via the vacuum Rabi splitting is also of broad interest for non-destructively reading out a wide variety of both atomic and solid state qubits.
PB - University of Colorado Boulder PP - Boulder PY - 2013 EP - 214 T2 - Department of Physics TI - Breaking Quantum Limits with Collective Cavity-QED: Generation of Spin Squeezed States via Quantum Non-Demolition Measurements VL - Ph.D. ER -