@article{702, author = {J. Tumlinson and J. Shull and B. Rachford and M. Browning and T. Snow and A. Fullerton and E. Jenkins and B. Savage and P. Crowther and H. Moos and K. Sembach and G. Sonneborn and D. York}, title = {A Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Survey of Interstellar Molecular Hydrogen in the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds}, year = {2002}, journal = {The Astrophysical Journal}, volume = {566}, pages = {857-879}, month = {Aug-02-2003}, issn = {0004-637X}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0004-637X/566/i=2/a=857}, doi = {10.1086/338112}, }