@article{4332, author = {Thinh Bui and Bryan Changala and Bryce Bjork and Qi Yu and Yimin Wang and John Stanton and Joel Bowman and Jun Ye}, title = {Spectral analyses of trans- and cis-DOCO transients via comb spectroscopy}, abstract = {
We use time-resolved direct frequency comb spectroscopy in the mid-infrared to obtain high-resolution rovibrational spectra of products produced from the OD + CO reaction. In this work, we present spectral analyses for isotopologues of the transient DOCO radicals from this reaction in the OD stretch region. The analyses were performed with the aid of two different theoretical approaches based on both perturbation theory and variational calculations used for prediction of rovibrational spectra of polyatomic molecules. We discuss the advantages and challenges of our current approach for studying spectroscopy and dynamics of transient molecules.
}, year = {2018}, journal = {Molecular Physics}, pages = {1-8}, month = {2018-06}, issn = {0026-8976}, doi = {10.1080/00268976.2018.1484949}, }