@article{4322, author = {Mamoru Endo and Thomas Schibli}, title = {Residual phase noise suppression for Pound-Drever-Hall cavity stabilization with an electro-optic modulator}, abstract = {We propose a simple method to suppress residual frequency/phase noise in PoundDrever-Hall (PDH) cavity stabilization setups. This method makes use of the electro-optic modulator that is commonly used in PDH setups, and hence, only requires the addition of a simple electronic feedback circuit. Here, we apply this method to stabilize a commercially available continuous wave (cw) laser to a high-finesse cavity, and we demonstrate additional phase noise suppression of ~30 dB and more from DC to 100 kHz, compared to the use of a fast-piezo actuator alone. This method can be applied to almost all PDH systems to achieve feedback bandwidths in the multi-MHz range. Furthermore, this method does not require additional actuators, such as acousto-optic modulators, and it does not introduce parasitic amplitude modulation to the first order. The limitations and drawbacks of this approach are also discussed.}, year = {2018}, journal = {OSA Continuum}, volume = {1}, pages = {116-123}, month = {2018-09}, url = {https://www.osapublishing.org/DirectPDFAccess/2038A4BA-B56B-08A1-36F38AE0D83617E7_398177/osac-1-1-116.pdf?da=1\&id=398177\&seq=0\&mobile=no}, doi = {10.1364/OSAC.1.000116}, }