@phdthesis{4064, author = {Catherine Klauss}, title = {Resonantly interacting degenerate Bose gas oddities}, abstract = {
The progression from two- through few- to many-body physics is an open and interesting question. Experiments that can test these theories must walk the fine line between cultivating a rich many-body system, yet preventing the interactions from completely destroying the system before study. This thesis explores the two- and few-body interactions present in a resonantly interacting degenerate Bose gas. We explore these interactions as a function of the density of the initial Bose-Einstein condensate. We use loss rates to characterize the interactions and find that a signicant portion of the perceived atomic loss is from sweeping the atoms into loosely bound molecules. The decay dynamics identify a molecule mixture of both Feshbach dimers and Efimov trimers.
}, year = {2017}, volume = {Ph.D.}, pages = {260}, month = {2017-07}, publisher = {University of Colorado Boulder}, address = {Boulder, CO}, }