@article{2875, keywords = {pfc}, author = {M. Bishof and Y. Lin and M. Swallows and Alexey Gorshkov and Jun Ye and Ana Maria Rey}, title = {Resolved Atomic Interaction Sidebands in an Optical Clock Transition}, abstract = {We report the observation of resolved atomic interaction sidebands (ISB) in the 87Sr optical clock transition when atoms at microkelvin temperatures are confined in a two-dimensional optical lattice. The ISB are a manifestation of the strong interactions that occur between atoms confined in a quasi-one-dimensional geometry and disappear when the confinement is relaxed along one dimension. The emergence of ISB is linked to the recently observed suppression of collisional frequency shifts. At the current temperatures, the ISB can be resolved but are broad. At lower temperatures, ISB are predicted to be substantially narrower and useful spectroscopic tools in strongly interacting alkaline-earth gases.}, year = {2011}, journal = {Physical Review Letters}, volume = {106}, chapter = {250801}, pages = {250801}, month = {2011-06}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.250801}, }