@article{13419, author = {Youssef Alaoui and Sean Muleady and Edwin Chaparro and Youssef Trifa and Ana Maria Rey and Tommaso Roscilde and Bruno Laburthe-Tolra and Laurent Vernac}, title = {Measuring bipartite spin correlations of lattice-trapped dipolar atoms}, abstract = {

We demonstrate a bipartition technique using a super-lattice architecture to access correlations between alternating planes of a mesoscopic array of spin-3 chromium atoms trapped in a 3D optical lattice. Using this method, we observe that out-of-equilibrium dynamics driven by long-range dipolar interactions lead to spin anti-correlations between the two spatially separated subsystems. Our bipartite measurements reveal a subtle interplay between the anisotropy of the 3D dipolar interactions and that of the lattice structure, without requiring single-site addressing. We compare our results to theoretical predictions based on a truncated cumulant expansion and a new cluster semi-classical method that we use to investigate correlations at the microscopic scale. Comparison with a high-temperature analytical model reveals quantum thermalization at a high negative spin temperature.

}, year = {2024}, journal = {Submitted}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.10531}, }