@proceedings{13270, author = {Jieqiu Shao and Liang-Ying Chih and Mantas Naris and Murray Holland and Marco Nicotra}, title = {Application of Quantum Optimal Control to Shaken Lattice Interferometry}, abstract = {

This paper demonstrates how quantum optimal control can be used to perform shaken lattice interferometry. The first objective is to translate the five fundamental stages of interferometry (splitting, propagation, reflection, counter propagation and recombination) into quantum optimal control problems parametrized by the time horizon of each stage. The timing of each stage is then studied in relationship to its overall influence on the interferometer performance. This is done by comparing the population distributions obtained for a range of different accelerations and using Fisher information to estimate the sensitivity of the resulting accelerometer. These encouraging results highlight the effectiveness of quantum optimal control for the the design of next-generation atom-based interferometers.

}, year = {2023}, journal = {American Control Conference (ACC)}, pages = {4593-4598}, month = {2023-06}, publisher = {IEEE}, doi = {10.23919/ACC55779.2023.10156455}, }