@article{12853, keywords = {General Physics and Astronomy}, author = {Shaeema Ahmed and Carrie Weidner and Jesper Jensen and Jacob Sherson and H Lewandowski}, title = {Student use of a quantum simulation and visualization tool}, abstract = {Abstract


Knowledge of quantum mechanical systems is becoming more important for many science and engineering students who are looking to join the emerging quantum workforce. To better prepare a wide range of students for these careers, we must seek to develop new tools to enhance our education in quantum topics. We present initial studies on the use of one of these such tools, Quantum Composer, a 1D quantum simulation and visualization tool developed for education and research purposes. In particular, we conducted five think-aloud interviews with students who worked through an exercise using Quantum Composer that focused on the statics and dynamics of quantum states in a single harmonic well system. Our results show that Quantum Composer helps students to obtain the correct answers to the questions posed, but additional support is needed to facilitate the development of student reasoning behind these answers. We also show that students are able to focus only on the relevant features of Quantum Composer to achieve the task.


}, year = {2022}, journal = {European Journal of Physics}, volume = {43}, pages = {065703}, publisher = {IOP Publishing}, issn = {0143-0807, 1361-6404}, url = {https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6404/ac93c7}, doi = {10.1088/1361-6404/ac93c7}, }