@phdthesis{1270, author = {Tara Fortier}, title = {Phase Stabilized Modelocked Lasers: from optical frequency metrology to waveform synthesis of ultrashort pulses}, abstract = {
By drawing on the techniques of single-frequency laser stabilization and on improvements of ultrafast lasers, stabilization of Ti:sapphire lasers has led to great advances in both the fields of optical frequency metrology and ultrafast science. This thesis presents the development of the technology and application of modelocked laser stabilization to both domains. Towards the latter I will discuss the use of extremely phase-coherent pulse trains for exploration of quantum interference in semiconductors. As applications to the former, we present synchronization between a Ti:sapphire and Erbium-doped fiber laser to produce an absolute comb at 1.5 1m. I also demonstrate an octave-spanning Ti:sapphire laser that is a candidate as a transfer oscillator for an all-optical clock.
}, year = {2004}, volume = {Ph.D.}, pages = {130}, month = {2016-12}, publisher = {University of Colorado Boulder}, }