@article{12398, author = {Daniel Lum and Michael Mazurek and Alexander Mikhaylov and Kristen Parzuchowski and Ryan Wilson and Ralph Jimenez and Thomas Gerrits and Martin Stevens and Marcus Cicerone and Charles Camp Jr.}, title = {Witnessing the survival of time-energy entanglement through biological tissue and scattering media}, abstract = {We demonstrate the preservation of time-energy entanglement of near-IR photons through thick biological media (≤1.55 mm) and tissue (≤ 235 μm) at room temperature. Using a Franson-type interferometer, we demonstrate interferometric contrast of over 0.9 in skim milk, 2% milk, and chicken tissue. This work supports the many proposed opportunities for nonclassical light in biological imaging and analyses from sub-shot noise measurements to entanglement-enhanced fluorescence imaging, clearly indicating that the entanglement characteristics of photons can be maintained even after propagation through thick, turbid biological samples.}, year = {2021}, journal = {Optics Express}, volume = {12}, pages = {3658}, month = {2021-06}, url = {https://www.osapublishing.org/boe/fulltext.cfm?uri=boe-12-6-3658&id=451414}, doi = {10.1364/BOE.423743}, }