@article{12209, author = {Kristopher Tucker and Diego Barberena and Robert Lewis-Swan and James Thompson and Juan Restrepo and Ana Maria Rey}, title = {Facilitating spin squeezing generated by collective dynamics with single-particle decoherence}, abstract = {We study the generation of spin squeezing in arrays of long-lived dipoles subject to collective emission, coherent drive, elastic interactions, and single-particle relaxation. It is found that not only does single-particle relaxation not necessarily degrade the squeezing generated in the collective dynamics, but the interplay of single-particle and collective effects can in fact facilitate the generation of squeezing in a specific parameter regime. This latter behavior is connected to the dynamical self-tuning of the system through a dissipative phase transition that is present in the collective system alone. Our findings will be applicable to next-generation quantum sensors with an eye towards atomic clocks in cavity-QED setups and trapped ion systems.}, year = {2020}, journal = {Physical Review A}, volume = {102}, pages = {051701(R)}, month = {2020-11}, publisher = {American Physical Society (APS)}, issn = {2469-9926, 2469-9934}, url = {https://journals.aps.org/pra/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevA.102.051701}, doi = {10.1103/physreva.102.051701}, }